Tag Archives: engagement

Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys

Kate Fletcher

“Open source offers a more inclusive, ecological and engaging model for fashion and textiles. In open source people are active and progress towards a collective goal. They share the work and share the benefits. A sense of network is also important – while they may be autonomous individuals, they are also part of a bigger project. The key questions for us in fashion and textiles are: What is our shared goal? And what will it take to make it happen? From a sustainability perspective, any goal would have to include a mandate to transform underlying sustainability problems, including our addiction to consumption.”

“The aim is to enable us to engage in a process of enrichment that is chiefly concerned with skills, knowledge and experience and one where our focus is switched away from the accumulation of possessions to one where possessions, while still important, are used as a tools to help us to become better skilled”

(pg. 191)

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